World War broke out! Japan struggle! !! Strategy simulation to move troops and attack the enemys capital.nnYou can easily play online battles of World War with people, friends and AI from all over the world.
現代技術の粋を集めた兵器を自在に操って戦略を立てていきます。 操作できる兵器は「歩兵」「重装歩兵」「化学兵器」「自爆テロ車」「戦車」「対空ミサイル」「核弾頭ミサイル」「潜水艦」「戦艦」「空母」「ヘリコプター」「タンデムローター」「戦闘機」「ステルス戦闘機」「爆撃機」「無人戦闘機ドローン」「人工衛星」と多くの種類が用意されています。 指揮官であるプレイヤーはこれらの兵器で、同等の装備を揃えた敵軍と戦っていかなければいけません。 全13ステージというボリュームですから、これでしばらく飽きることはないでしょう。 あなたの一手に日本の運命がかかっている!!We will freely manipulate weapons that gather the best of modern technology to formulate strategies.Weapons that can be operated are "infantry", "heavy infantry", "chemical weapon", "self-destruct terrorist vehicle", "tank", "anti-aircraft missile", "nuclear bullet missile", "submarine", "battleship", "aircraft carrier", "helicopter", "tandem rotor", " There are many types such as "fighter", "stealth fighter", "bomber", "unmanned fighter drone", and "artificial satellite".The commander player must use these weapons to fight against an enemy army with equivalent equipment.The volume is 13 stages in total, so you wont get bored with this for a while.The fate of Japan depends on your move! !!Bug fix